Grand Slam Solution’s (GSS) Core Values are:
- Safety, Integrity
- Commitment
- Teamwork
We are committed to providing professional, experienced resources to work with our clients as an integrated team to successfully plan, schedule and execute turnarounds and projects safely, within budget and on schedule.
“Understand and Meet Client’s Expectations”
At GSS, Safety is our #1 priority, but we truly believe that safety and productivity can go hand in hand. We set high expectations for our employees in regards to safety. All GSS employees will understand their roles and responsibilities of adhering to federal and state regulations and company and clients safety standards, procedures and policies.
At GSS, we understand our clients spend an enormous amount of budgeted dollars, utilize countless resources and man-hours on developing a finalized execution schedule. All the hard work and dollars spend in finalizing the execution schedule will be meaningless if you do not “ Execute the Schedule”.
39+ years of experience in the refining and petrochemical business
- Employed for 33 years with a major refining company
- Managed multi-million dollar turnarounds and projects